Adam Gauzza

Specialties - injury & surgery rehab, seniors, beginners, dancers, therapeutic, hip/knee/ankle issues, hyper-mobility


Hometown: Media, PA


  • Northwestern University: BA in Dance and Gender Studies

  • Kane School of Core Integration/Kinected: Comprehensive Mat and Apparatus Certification

  • New York CIty Reiki Institute/Nana Delaplanque: Reiki Level 1

Pronouns: he/him/his 

Why I Practice: 

Pilates provides a challenging, curious, and compassionate way to explore possibilities for myself as a mover. I've never done a session or a class in which I didn't learn something about myself or my body. Pilates allows me to keep discovering, strengthening, deepening my mind-body connection as well as my physical body. It helps me remain curious. 

Why I Teach:

I hope to cultivate a similar curiosity and ongoing process of self-discovery for my clients. I want them to be able to do anything they enjoy: kayak, bake a cake, ride a bike, enjoy a museum, and feel fortified and bolstered by what they've learned in Pilates. I hope it can be a tool for them outside of the studio to cultivate self-awareness and to enhance whatever physical activity they enjoy.

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